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Facebook statistics now available on Kontest

Users of the Premium plan on Kontest now have access to a new category of statistics. The data from Facebook are now available in the dashboard in addition to participations and visits statistics. These are statistics of your fanpage corresponding to the time you hold your contest on it. This will facilitate your to make reports about your fanpage progress.

You are now able to see:

  • The evolution of the number of fans on the page where the contest is installed
  • The number of active users
  • The total number of fans
  • The engagement rate
  • The evolution of the number of « Like »
  • The evolution of the number of views
  • The distribution of age, gender, city and country of the fans of your page
  • The distribution of traffic sources
  • The distribution of research methods in Facebook

Note: if your contest has been created in English, your statistics will be in English too.