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A new kind of advertising: « The Native Advertising »

Why choose « Native Advertising » ?

The user universe is saturated by advertising. Classic web ads (banners, square pop up, skin page, etc.) don’t always succeed in reaching the right target at he right time. The most intrusive ads (pre-roll, pops-ups) are more likely to annoy the user who would prefer to zap than to « bear » this ads. Brands prefer to choose innovating sizes, that are completely embeded in each site content.

What is the « Native Advertising »?

The « Native Advertising » is a non-intrusive ads which size and content are adapted to the user experience context. It is « natively » embeded to the content. If you ensure the great quality of your ads, then more clients will clic or share this ads. This idea gathers : special operations, adwords campaigns, sponsorized posts, etc.

You are going to tell us:

  • – This kind of ads already exist !
  • – Yes, you’re right. But noone put a name on it. So now, it’s done!

Some sites have already integrated the « Native Advertising » to their offer :

Google Adwords

Google Adwords

Facebook sponsorized posts

Posts sponsorisés Facebook

Twitter sponsorized posts


Yahoo’s « Native Advertising »


According to an Adyoulike and Ifop study, on 1,000 interviewed people:

  • >> 77% consider ads banners like content advertising, 29% for Native Ads
  • >> 40% are considering Native Ads more interesting, 29% for banners

When we see that study, « Native Advertising » seems to be the ideal alternative to classic ads.

To guarantee your contest success on Kontest, link it to a communication campaign. The « Native Advertising » could be a good optionto attract more audience!