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Why you should buy ads on Facebook

As we tell our clients, a successful contest starts with a good communication. An e-mailing campaign is a minimum, as you make your already established base of customers participate, but you can also invest into advertisements in order to attract more participants.

With affordable costs and precises targeting possibilities, Facebook Ads proves to be a good solution of promotion, especially if you plan to hold your contest on this social network.

Access Facebook Ads with this following URL:

Link an ad to your Facebook Fan Page

First thing when you create your ad: you can link it directly to one of the Fan pages you manage, or to a external URL (your website, for instance).

When you link your ad to a Fan Page, you have the choice between a sponsored story and a Facebook ad. The sponsored story will highlight the publication mentionning your brand. The Facebook Ad as for it is a simple advertising message visible on the usual display zone located on the right of the newsfeed.

Target your Facebook Ads

Facebook offers you a lot of targeting possibilities: demography (age, gender), interests, Facebook connection (target users who are not already fan of your page), and other advanced options (marrital situation, languages, etc.). You have therefore the tools to realize an efficient advertisement only displayed to the concerned people.

Which budget?

Last step, your budget : You can define a maximum amount per day, or for the total duration of you campaign. Facebook will also give you with a cost per clic. You can increase or decrease this amount but the visibility of your ad on Facebook will depend on it. So be cautious with its calculation or leave it to Facebook.

Facebook Ads has proved to be an efficient solution to communicate on an extremely targeted population and at still affordable costs. This tool can therefore be a good choice in a communication strategy preceding your marketing campaign.