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Tip #6: The prize

Who says contest also says gifts to win! Prizes are the main reason that me people enter your contest. The value of these prizes is an important factor that will lead to an interesting number of participation, but this is not the only one to consider! Indeed, the nature of the gift to win is also important. If you offer a useful and trendy prize, then you have understood everything. You can put it forward on the design of your contest and also in your advertising, this is really a strong argument. Some prizes are solid values ​​to offer as part of a competition: Money is very popular. It can be found as gift certificates or as a year of product offered (eg food or clothing). The main advantage is the direct availability and the unrestricted use: the winner can do what he wants when he wants with it. High-tech products such as tablets, PCs, TVs, smartphones or video game hardware are particularly appreciated by participants. Concerning travels, offering a weekend is better than a long stay, it allows participants to project themselves more easily in a situation where they won the lot (in terms of organization in relation to their work or their families, for example) . You can still make them dream by offering an exotic destination. Virtual goods are especially popular these days especially in regard to social games: you may very well provide items or credits that will allow the user to stand out or to go further in a game. Remember, if your brand already offers products or services on a market, use it as prizes for your contest. Don’t hesitate to innovate in that direction to set you apart from all other...

Posted by on Sep 21, 2011

Tip #5: Create a fun quiz with Kontest

A contest is a fun event. Participants play to win. Take the time to create interactions with your participants. Here are some examples: The treasure hunt: Kontest quizzes allow you to give clues for each question. The purpose of these clues is to help your participants finding the answer of your question. A clue can contain an URL, you can create a treasure hunt by bringing the entrant on your website, leading them to read your content to find the right answer. Like that, you can create a real link between your brand and the people who like it. A quiz with with pictures: Each question and answer of your quiz may include a picture. For example: « Which of these monument is the Eiffel Tower? »: Be creative, be original, and you will get great...

Posted by on Sep 1, 2011

Infography: 64 Facebook Marketing techniques

Here is an infography with a total of 64 Marketing techniques to use on Facebook. This is a set of tips and best practices that will help you to manage your community on Facebook with advertising, animation of the page and also contests. There are some some good ideas like involving fans in the design of a product by asking them their opinions and ideas. This infography will inspire you and help you to develop new practices in order to get closer to your customers and leads through social...

Posted by on Août 30, 2011

Facebook privacy settings are now easier to set up

Facebook has recently published a post on its blog to present the new privacy settings concerning the data shared on the social network. Indeed, most users are concerned to know who among their friends can see their information or what they share. When you edit your profile information, you can directly choose to whom you want them to appear (everyone, friends only or custom sttings). No need to visit the « Privacy Settings » page to change item by item what you want to share. This makes your control over your data quicker and easier. Facebook has also published a dedicated page about this major overhaul of their system. You now have the ability to accept or reject a tag made by one your friends on a photo before it is visible to anyone on your profile. This saves you from being tagged on an unwanted photo which could be published on your profile without your consent. The logic is exactly the same when you are tagged in a post. You can also make it see your profile as someone else in order to see the changes made ​​in your privacy settings. This option already existed, but Facebook has decided to make it more accessible by providing a dedicated button right on your profile. Facebook has improved the update sharing menu allowing you to choose who will be able to see your status for example. A page is dedicated is available on the social network. You can now choose to change who can see your publication once it’s published (if you set the wrong target group, for example). Another important change: you now have the ability to tag someone in a post or a photo even if this person is not...

Posted by on Août 25, 2011

Tip #4: think about the design

It has been proved, people prefer beautiful things. Your contest will not escape this rule: the graphic appearance will be a good way to success, without overshadowing of course other criteria such as the prizes, advertising, etc… So treat your design, upload images in high definition, be creative. Similarly, showing the prizes in the skin is very visual and gives your participants an incentive to enter. Give a special place for your first prize, make it attractive. Match up the whole design (tabs color, bottom), use pleasant colors (no flashy colors, marrying well). Have a background color if one of your tabs (participation, earnings, etc.) has large variations. Include a simple editorial. Be powerful! Feel free to get some inspiration from other contests hosted by Kontest, some visuals are...

Posted by on Août 18, 2011