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Tip #3 : Pay attention to your ending message

Our last update, Social Lover, brought among other things a very important function for our customers : the ending message. It is indeed very important in a contest to create interaction, from the beginning to the end of it. You can therefore customize your ending message depending on your target, but also include coupons, promo codes, etc. The only limit is your imagination. As a conclusion in a redaction, your ending message is your last chance to impress, or at least to affect your entrant. Make him want to discover your brand and go regularly on your fanpage. Again, don’t forget that your contest is just a part of a continouus marketing strategy, and that your ending message can announce the following events (others contests shortly, special operation on your website, lauching of a new product,...

Posted by on Août 4, 2011

Facebook let you merge community pages into official pages

Facebook already allow you to merge several fan pages. You can now merge community pages into official pages Community pages are created by users when they want to check-in or when they add a new piece of information in their profile like a workplace or an education without using an existing fanpage. This new feature allow you to merge these community pages created by mistake with your official page if they have the same name. You just need to « Edit the page », go to the « Resources » tab and then click on « Merge duplicate pages ». Facebook can accept your asking and transfer the fans and the check-in into your official page. You will be able to offer content from your official page to the people who actually like it but were fans of a community page by...

Posted by on Août 3, 2011

Facebook helps professionnals with Facebook for Business

Google+ made its little effect on the social media world, especially on Facebook. Soon after the video chat in partnership with Skype to compete with Google+ hangouts, and have improved their comment system, it is in the business segment that Facebook may be under threat. Indeed we talk a lot about what will be for Google+ for brands, even though Ford is experimenting with a new type of Google pages specifically designed for businesses. Facebook has launched « Facebook for business« , a new section dedicated to companies that strongly reminds the interface for creating advertisements. The pages include step-by-step tips around four themes: pages, advertising, sponsored stories, and the platform including social plugins ​​available on Facebook (like button, system comment Facebook registration, etc). The content is available in English only at the moment. A good initiative from Facebook that provides all means for companies wishing to deploy themselves effectively on the social network. And you, what do you think of this...

Posted by on Juil 27, 2011

Apply with LinkedIn

LinkedIn, the social network for professionals, has released a new social plugin that allows people to apply directly to a job directly with their account. It is very simple. The company distributes a job ad and must include a « Apply with LinkedIn » button into it. Then, the applicant just have to click on this button to send the request to the company that can view his profile. This allows the company to collect applications from people who do not necessarily have a resume ready to send. The company will also have access to the various recommendations on the profile of the candidates. This solution has several advantages for applicants: they will no longer need to fill out application forms online, they can see who in their network is working in the business in which they apply and they can easily raise more recommendations from professional contacts. To get more information about the integration of the « Apply with LinkedIn » button, visit the developers page:...

Posted by on Juil 26, 2011

New white paper : How to use Facebook social plugins?

You want to know everything about the use of social plugins and the Facebook Open Graph? Our new white paper will answer all your questions! Entitled « How to use Facebook social plugins?« , you will have all the information you need to understand the true potential of the social network. Through the definition of the Social Graph, the listing of each plugins and their functionality, the explanation of the tagging into website pages, this paper will satisfy your desire to discover a little-known aspect of Facebook. We hope that the brands will take awareness of the opportunities offered by this system. How to use Facebook social plugins? »18 pages – 1.5 Mo – pdf All comments are...

Posted by on Juil 25, 2011